Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Heart Breaks.

Today my heart is breaking for two specific things.

One, Haiti. The devastation, the tragedy.

Two, my immediate family. Specifically my mom and my 16-year-old sister, Abie.
For years, my mom has struggled with depression and the past few months, she has hit rock bottom. It is something to do with the chemicals in her brain. I won't go into all of the details, but I will say, she is in desperate need of a change and our prayers.

My sister Abie was also recently diagnosed with depression.

{It breaks my heart in a way I can't explain}
I hate to see them hurting.
Believing lies.

It's the things which seem so helpless and moments which seem so lifeless and hopeless where I realized and I am stunned by the power of prayer.

Here I am, Father. Seeking You, asking You to bring a peace which surpasses all understanding, hope where hope is lost and truth where lies have been spoken.

I ask Father you help Haiti, my mother and my sister to find peace in you.
And to dream again.

They are in Your hands, Abba.

Monday, January 4, 2010

DIY Project: a "Popping" Picture

Buy a frame from a thrift store. I found this old school one for 2.99 and 1/2 off!

I painted it black.

I did not place the photo behind the glass, but in front. Making everything "pop" out.

I used modge podge and superglue to attach paper, photo, tissue paper, etc.

This photo I took of my sister was the inspiration for this specific gift.
{Find an inspiration}

Click photo to enlarge.
This gift was for my sister Abie. I also added a part of a quote from Streams in the Deserts.

"All thoughts of sorrow fled away and joy was my visitor that day."

Supplies needed:
a frame
paint and brush(es) - if you need to paint it.
paper/tissue paper/whatever you want to add
quote, saying or verse

you can also use:
things associated with memories