Monday, January 4, 2010

DIY Project: a "Popping" Picture

Buy a frame from a thrift store. I found this old school one for 2.99 and 1/2 off!

I painted it black.

I did not place the photo behind the glass, but in front. Making everything "pop" out.

I used modge podge and superglue to attach paper, photo, tissue paper, etc.

This photo I took of my sister was the inspiration for this specific gift.
{Find an inspiration}

Click photo to enlarge.
This gift was for my sister Abie. I also added a part of a quote from Streams in the Deserts.

"All thoughts of sorrow fled away and joy was my visitor that day."

Supplies needed:
a frame
paint and brush(es) - if you need to paint it.
paper/tissue paper/whatever you want to add
quote, saying or verse

you can also use:
things associated with memories


  1. this is so cute! you should link this up at skip-to-my-lou's blog. she just started a 'made by you monday's' where people can link up their projects! :)
