Sunday, August 30, 2009

DIY #1: Homemade Gift Idea.

I've decided I want to start posting some DIY (do it yourself) kind of projects.
I want to get back into being creative.
I miss doing projects and thought this might help.

Here is a simple DIY homemade gift idea;
An artsy way to frame an inspiring or loved quote.

Tools needed:
- picture frame of any size
-scrap paper/artsy paper
-a quote loved by the person receiving the gift or a quote you love for the person
-rubber cement (or glue)
-pen or sharpie

I used paper that was in my scrap bin and cute around the cute designs.

I have a list of quotes that are inspiring or that I love in the arts and crafts box.
You can easily find quotes online.

The final product.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Suddenly it's hit me and with quite a force.
I was telling Ted last night how I feel so apathetic.
I feel like I haven't had many great conversations with God lately.
Or barely any for that matter.
And frankly, I feel like I don't have time to.

I am also dealing with a bit of bitterness toward Him.
He knew my heart's desire for an all natural delivery of our child.
And I was only able to go 16 hours without any medication.
And then, even 42 hours later & 10 cm dilated, I couldn't even have him naturally.
It still feels like a low blow to me.

I hate that that is the way I feel.
Because it's not me and it's not t r u t h.

I realized that it has been since I've become a momma.
It has nothing to do with Chase or being his mommy, no, that's not it.

I've been in this huge transition of going from working in ministry full time to being a full time mom.

I am learning how to recognize the presence of God is still with me.
I know that may sound awful, but it's seriously true.

I am learning to recognize Him again.
As I a home with Chase and not at YWAM, where you can literally feel the presence of God most of the time.

He is with me
as I change diapers, nurse, cook, take naps, clean, grocery shop, do laundry, run errands...
as I live life outside of YWAM.
as I transition into a momma.

It's actually a lot harder than it sounds.
Anyone who has left YWAM can relate.

oh golly.

But I do know without a doubt;
I am called to be in ministry
I am designed to be Ted's wife and Chase's mother

Here I am recognizing.
You are here with me as I walk through this transition.
This is only the beginning to a seriously sweet and complete relationship with You.
Living life to the fullest no matter where I am or what I am doing.

Friday, August 14, 2009

I am.

I am Your beloved.
I am lovely in Your eyes.

I am adequate.
I am able.
I am filled with hope.

I am new.
I am in You.
I am changed.
I am yours.

I needed to do this.
I need to believe this is true.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This New Journey.

I am a mother.
It's still so surreal to me.
And boy, am I in love with this little guy.

Chase Journey Davis

Bringing him into this world was exactly like his middle name; a journey.
40 plus hour of labor resulting with a c-section.

But brought such a beautiful baby boy.
All 8lbs 15oz of him.

It's been such a transition, being a mother.
I find myself becoming a mother with each new day.
If that makes any sense. I am a mother but I am also becoming one.

It's hard, sometimes draining,
But he is worth it all.

Tonight I am aching a bit.
I realize that I am now different than I have ever been before,
I don't think it's a bad thing though.

Well, deep inside I know it's not.
It's just a lot of change.

I feel more matured in some ways,
Yet so unsure of myself in others.

I'm trying to let this change come without being afraid.
I also don't want to become apathetic if I do need to cry because of this change.

Tonight I want to cry,
But can't.

I want to be myself but I am learning who that is now,
as a momma.

I'm sometimes worried about my relationship with Ted too.
I feel like I am distancing myself or that I've changed too much.

Especially physically.

Oh there is so much more inside that I can't express.

I am not depressed, really I am not.
I am just working through this change.

I am still the same old me, only this me is intermixed with being a momma.
Father, guide me as I walk blindly through these changes.