Friday, August 21, 2009


Suddenly it's hit me and with quite a force.
I was telling Ted last night how I feel so apathetic.
I feel like I haven't had many great conversations with God lately.
Or barely any for that matter.
And frankly, I feel like I don't have time to.

I am also dealing with a bit of bitterness toward Him.
He knew my heart's desire for an all natural delivery of our child.
And I was only able to go 16 hours without any medication.
And then, even 42 hours later & 10 cm dilated, I couldn't even have him naturally.
It still feels like a low blow to me.

I hate that that is the way I feel.
Because it's not me and it's not t r u t h.

I realized that it has been since I've become a momma.
It has nothing to do with Chase or being his mommy, no, that's not it.

I've been in this huge transition of going from working in ministry full time to being a full time mom.

I am learning how to recognize the presence of God is still with me.
I know that may sound awful, but it's seriously true.

I am learning to recognize Him again.
As I a home with Chase and not at YWAM, where you can literally feel the presence of God most of the time.

He is with me
as I change diapers, nurse, cook, take naps, clean, grocery shop, do laundry, run errands...
as I live life outside of YWAM.
as I transition into a momma.

It's actually a lot harder than it sounds.
Anyone who has left YWAM can relate.

oh golly.

But I do know without a doubt;
I am called to be in ministry
I am designed to be Ted's wife and Chase's mother

Here I am recognizing.
You are here with me as I walk through this transition.
This is only the beginning to a seriously sweet and complete relationship with You.
Living life to the fullest no matter where I am or what I am doing.


  1. I love it... your words, heart and honesty are beautiful. They are such an encouragement to me..

    You are in my prayers daily...

  2. You are right where you need to be- growing, struggling, questioning, falling, getting back up. And you are not alone!
